Thursday, February 20, 2020

Personal development planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal development planning - Essay Example A degree in Business Management is the best course that a person might undertake, especially at this age when big multi-billion dollar corporations rule the world. Business Management prepares the student for the business world by equipping them with the necessary skills that will enable them to excel from managing a local kiosk or a restaurant chain to offering them the capacity to possess and manage their own companies. Achieving such a feat may appear impossible, but with a Business Management degree, the student will be well equipped to achieve greatness. According to an Arcadia case study titled ‘Recruiting, selecting and training entrepreneurial managers’, â€Å"the success of any business depends heavily on the effectiveness of its managers†Ã‚  (Business Case Studies, 2015 p. 2). The obtaining of a business management degree guarantees the ‘opening of doors’ to a world full of opportunities for a vigilant pursuer of this common and most marketable course of study in the market. Without any exaggeration, the world is just a big string of businesses and business opportunities. From the grocery stall, to the rented apartment to the movie hall, everything is a business center waiting for the business management graduate to take advantage of. In essence, business management empowers its followers to rule the world. For a student to carry out the Business Management course, he/she will have to have or strive to achieve the following skills and knowledge. One of them is good organizational skills. In order to run the business, the manager must be able to take responsibility for bringing together different departments, be able to enforce and outline processes together with outlining what tasks each member of the organization is supposed to perform. The manager needs to be able to connect things together. Czarniawska (2004) expands on connection by suggesting that ‘connection’ is

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Project plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project plan - Essay Example ‘Cosseted children growing up unable to cope with failure because parents are not allowing them to be independent’ reads the article’s title. She has written that in the past two decades there has been a trend towards parents over-controlling their children. Because of this, modern children are ending up struggling to adapt to setbacks that life throws when mature. Laura insists on the importance of letting kids undergo a certain standard of risk to rectify the mistakes they make as time goes by. Laura argues that children should need to experience some standards of risk to learn how to deal with failure accurately. Laura further points in this text that risk-taking and the learning opportunities it presents help nurture decision-making skills for adolescents and young adults. It is appropriate for modern parents to let their children explore life for them to be prepared to deal with its challenges when they become mature (Clark, 2013). To some extent, Frank Furedi coincides with Laura Clark. ‘University students- are they toddlers or young adults?’ is the title of his article published in The Independent. In this article, Furedi points to reports saying that undergraduates are following a careless lifestyle. Furedi further says that lectures are neglecting students and letting them do as they wish. Modern universities are treating students like toddlers. Furedi argues that children have been denied a chance to think for themselves and, as a result, lack the capacity to be independent and take control of their lives. Furedi criticizes parents who are over-concerned with how their children are faring in university. He points out that during the late 1990s it was an embarrassment for college students to be seen with parents in campus. In recent times, parents are invading their children’s campus life denying